Phone: +90 532 441 45 56


Marinpak Marinpak Marinpak Marinpak
Marinpak Marinpak Marinpak Marinpak


Vikoma offers products to prevent Harbours being filled with oil or debris and also to remove debris and oil if present in the harbour. The equipment designed and manufactured at Vikoma includes oil skimmers, containment boom and oil storage tanks. This range is suited to dealing with spills where space is limited and there are constant moving vessels and equipment. Prevention: A barrier or boom can be positioned to prevent debris or oil entering the harbour. Our VikoSeal is suited not only to preventing oil spills during bunkering operations but also to protect boat from debris during maintenance/diving operations while in dock. Harbour clean up: We offer a range of products ideally suited to harbour clean up. This includes our VikoTrawl Net which is towed and will pick up debris, plastics or oil in an innovative, easy to empty unique filtration and collection net.